Delia Kimbrel, Director of Research and Analysis

Dr. Delia Kimbrel holds a Ph.D. in Social Policy from the Heller School of Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. Delia brings an array of experience in research design, advanced analysis, and program evaluation in economic development, housing, and education policy.  For ten years, Delia worked at the Institute on Assets and Social Policy leading multi-year, formative, impact, and cost-benefit evaluations of federal HUD, housing-based, self-sufficiency, economic service, and asset-building initiatives for low-income families throughout Massachusetts and Maine.  


As a Harvard University, Rappaport Public Policy Fellow, she worked in the Bureau of Rental Assistance at the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Delia also was a doctoral fellow at MDRC, a leading education, and social policy research organization based in New York City. In Tulsa, Delia’s work has focused on leading the research, data analysis, and evaluation efforts at Growing Together (GT). While at GT, Delia developed and implemented a research and evaluation agenda that builds the evidence-base of Growing Together’s theory of change, and led the analysis of data across GT’s strategic areas related to education, housing, and community vibrancy.   


Delia brings a trained, critical eye for analyzing student and academic performance data as well as evaluation expertise for assessing the impact of innovative strategies and interventions being tried and tested in schools across the country.