Eighth Grade Math
Adding Up to Career Readiness
What's Important
ImpactTulsa’s Eighth Grade Math program encourages parents, businesses, nonprofits, and community members to help young students by providing unique experiences that connect math to career paths and interests, and kindle curiosity and passion for mathematics.
Why It Matters
Middle school math comprehension is an important indicator of success, with positive experiences in STEM at this age influencing students’ long-term professional accomplishments. They also pave the road to better earnings, as the labor market is reserving its highest returns for workers with two broad skillsets: social and math.
What the Data Says
Overall, Tulsa students are in the bottom tier of performance for eighth-grade mathematics nationally. Statewide proficiency levels, which are comparable to Tulsa’s, have fallen below U.S. averages since the early 2000s. Only 10% of economically disadvantaged students are proficient, and for economically disadvantaged African American students, the rate is less than 5%. It is our collective responsibility to challenge and build upon these numbers.
ImpactTulsa encourages math-savvy community members to work with students in fun, game-based settings to increase foundational basic math abilities and set the stage for success in middle school.
For any questions, email us at info@impacttulsa.com.