First, we want to thank you for attending the Design Institute. We had nearly 100 people from Business, Education, Philanthropy, and the Faith Community—you make this partnership possible.
Second, we were reading through the commitment cards–we’re grateful for your generosity and the level of commitment to improving the lives of students in the Tulsa area. We’ll follow up on the areas you indicated soon.
Next Steps
We had great response from the data side and we fully expect to have a strong group working in this area. Our goal is to explore every possible avenue to ensure our baseline report is done well and is a strong guiding document as we start the process of launching action networks. Currently, notes from the Design Institute are going to the Leadership Council as we finalize the vision/mission/goals and the outcomes to be measured.
Remember, put October 21 on your calendar today for the release of the IMPACT! Report.
Again, thank you all for all your help in getting us this far down the road. We’re really excited as we look ahead at the great work to come!
– the IMPACT!Tulsa team
Feedback Needed:
We need your feedback on the Design Institute. Please take this short survey now.
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Tulsa Word Cloud (right click image to download)