Autumn Worten
Director, Partner Engagement
“Better than a thousand years of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” – Japanese Proverb
This quote is not only reflective of what we all feel about our favorite teachers – it’s also reflective about what the data says about early literacy in our region.
As part of the work of the Ready to Read Partnership, a small team conducted structured interviews at schools data suggested were Bright Spots. These were schools that had higher numbers of economically disadvantaged students and high reading proficiency rates. What our team found was great practices starting with leadership at the principal level and deeply engaged teachers all focused on the goal of increasing reading skills in all students. The team was able to dig deeper by spending time with the on-site staff who worked with student’s day in and day out. These bright spots are defined by the bright leaders – the teachers, administrative teams, reading specialists, and school leaders all working to create an environment that empowers students to excel in reading. I hope that you will take the time to read the results of these findings in the Literacy Bright Spots overview highlighting these extraordinary schools.
We are already starting to see a shift in education in Tulsa and the future is extremely bright as a result of our community coming together and saying collectively that we believe EVERY child deserves a high-quality education. On this day, Giving Tuesday, I challenge each of you to give your commitment to Tulsa kids to do your part to ensure every child is guaranteed a high-quality education. Bright Futures Start with Bright Spots, Bright Spots Start with Bright Leaders – Bright Leaders must be supported by the entire community!