New Opportunity – Impact and Improvement Networks Launching in February 2017!

On behalf of the Tulsa Strategy and ImpactTulsa, thank you for participating in the recent Results Based Leadership (RBL) Invitational. Moving forward, we are committed to helping organizations build capacity to dramatically improve outcomes for every child in our community, from birth to career.


Building on lessons learned from across the country with the goal of supporting and accelerating progress, we are launching Impact and Improvement Networks that focus on our collective community level outcomes. Over the course of 15 months, the Impact and Improvement Networks will offer practitioners the opportunity to strengthen and improve outcomes through the use of results based leadership techniques, disaggregated data, continuous improvement training, coaching and peer-to-peer learning.


How to participate: form a small collective partnership team, select an outcome area from the RBL invitational (Healthy Births, Safe and Nurturing Homes, Kindergarten Readiness, Third Grade Reading and High School Completion), fill out the attached application.


These networks are designed to provide professional development to multiple organizations with a goal of helping partners align their efforts around improving an outcome.


Simply put, these networks represent a new way of working together. Please see the attached:


Applicant profile
Additional information


As you will see in the application, there are several dates that will require in-person participation. As you are going through the application, please make note of these dates. Applications are due Friday January 6, 2017 and notification of acceptance will be given on January 19, 2017. Orientation for accepted partnerships will be February 6, 2017 (time and location TBD). 


What to learn more? 
Join the Impact & Improvement Network Interest call on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. During the call, ImpactTulsa staff will provide an overview of the Impact & Improvement Networks, share recommendations and insights on completing the application and answer questions.


If you have any pre-call questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to