Weekly Resource Email: April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020


ImpactTulsa Partners and Community Members,



We are continually working with partners to compile and align resources, and we sincerely thank all who contributed information and updates. If you have a resource to share or are releasing news updates, please email us at info@impacttulsa.com so we can add your information to next week’s resource round-up.




Oklahoma State Department of Education
For the latest Oklahoma State Department of Education updates, please visit their website. For their latest answers to frequently asked questions, please refer here. For information on how to engage families during this time, check out their resources here.




Click below to be directed to the following resource pages on our website:


If you have a resource to share or are releasing news updates, please email us at info@impacttulsa.com so we can add your information to next week’s resource round-up.