After a vigorous application process, community feedback and national review, StriveTogether has designated ImpactTulsa a “Systems Change” network member this month, recognizing the achievement of multiple benchmarks and advances in creating opportunity for students.
StriveTogether is a national network of collective impact organizations dedicated to improving outcomes and opportunities of all children, from cradle to career. Each partnership within the national network is designated one of six “gateways” that describes their current systems-level influence, and provides benchmarks and concrete steps to move along the spectrum to becoming a “Systems Transformation” community, as described in detail in the StriveTogether Theory of Action™.
Communities progressing through these milestones, or “gateways,” must make progress across the four pillars: shared community vision; evidence-based decision making; collaborative action; and Investment and sustainability as they move across the gateways of the Theory of Action from the first designation, Exploring, to the highest, Systems Transformation.
Examples of initiatives that garnered this new distinction for ImpactTulsa include the internet access task force, advanced data analytics with the Child Equity Index, data and continuous improvement with chronic absenteeism, collaborative action networks and more.
According to StriveTogether, “Partnerships in the Systems Change Gateway [ImpactTulsa’s new designation] focus on navigating the evolutions, transitions and continuous improvement they go through to improve student outcomes, including: developing shared accountability for results across the community, implementing a comprehensive data system and continuous improvement process to facilitate ongoing data use, co-developing solutions with the community and aligning resources around evidence-based strategies.”
ImpactTulsa is the 18th partnership to achieve the “Systems Change” status with StriveTogether and will now work toward the next designation and future opportunities to improve systems across the Tulsa area.