Using the CLI Cycle as a Tool for Equity

Register for the next virtual CLI Professionals Group Session here, on May 8th from 10:00-11:00 am.

Continuous Learning and Improvement (CLI) is a guided approach to make processes better.  focused on incremental changes through piloting solutions before fully implementing them across a program or organization. In 2020, ImpactTulsa partnered with Asemio, CAP Tulsa, City Year and Youth Services of Tulsa to create a peer learning group focused on sharing resources and strengthening those skills. 

Today, the CLI professionals group is a network that meets bi-monthly to bring together folks who integrate CLI into their day-to-day activities. During meetings, there is opportunity to engage in peer consultancies to collaborate on the challenges that arise during implementation of continuous improvement.

As ImpactTulsa aims to support partners in ways that ensure all students and families have opportunities to thrive, we are working to share specific ways that partners are using CLI Dr. Tia Waldrop, Founder and CEO of Rise Consulting LLC, shares her insights below.

Question: How have you used CLI to support, guide, or lead work that moves towards equity or addressing disparities?

Answer: CLI guides my work with community-serving organizations to understand where and how they foster equity in their work as well as integrate more equitable practices by identifying who is not at the table engaged in the services and/or organizational work.

Q: What has been helpful in these (CLI Professional Group) sessions? 

A: ​​ Learning new strategies and tools for CLI, opportunities for networking with local organizations, and learning about the work of local organizations. The CLI group has been a wonderful platform for me as a new business owner supporting community-serving organizations. Specifically, I’ve learned how to simplify CLI work and have been able to get a better pulse on community initiative throughout Tulsa. 


We hope this helps inspire you to think of ways your organization can use Continuous Learning and Improvement in ways that make the community better for our students and families. If you have any questions about the CLI Professionals Group or would like to learn more about ImpactTulsa, follow this link